4 million daily active users
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Over 12k open job positions
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Over 20 million stories shared
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We provide temporary and permanent resources, as well as contractors and we cover all industry verticals. The value that we offer at Capital Recruit is that we are extremely passionate about people. We understand the importance of finding purpose and meaning in one’s life, and that if you discover what you are passionate about you will never work a day in your life. We help our candidates find the correct career for them. At the same time, we ensure that the organisations we engage with find the correct candidates. We do this by making sure that we understand both the organisation and our candidates intimately and thoroughly. We then ensure that we pair up candidate and company based on shared values and passion.
Capital Recruit is so much more than a recruitment service provider. We are a talent management partner. We are passionate about generating and building your talent pool and workforce so that your organisation can thrive. We seek to assist individuals to gain an understanding of themselves so that they align with a trade that speaks to their core, their essence.

Passion fuels creativity, inspiration and drive and at Capital Recruit


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